Wednesday 7 September 2016

12 Successful Bloggeing Tips Without Stress

12 Successful Blogging Tips

I got a question emailed to me today from a reader asking exactly what he needed to know for him to become a successful blogger.  

 Well that isn’t the easiest question to answer in a simple email as there is SO MUCH that goes into becoming a blogger that many people don’t realize. Instead, I thought it would make a good topic for a post.

“What do I need to learn to become a successful blogger?” is a question that I think many aspiring bloggers want the answer to when first starting out, I know I was eager to learn before I launched my first site.   Whilst some topics are obvious that you need to learn about, others are not so until you come to need them further down the line.

This particular question got me thinking quite a bit about which things you specifically need to learn about sooner rather than later.  I therefore came up with 12 things that every blogger really NEEDS to know about when starting out online.  

Obviously this list could have been much longer, but I tried to keep it relatively short so as not to overwhelm any newbies.  Learn about these and you will have a good solid foundation to build a successful site upon.


1. SEO

SEO also know as Search Engine Optimization – is a subject that you must learn about.  I decided to place this first on the list as I feel that it is THE most important thing any blogger or website owner should learn about (I can’t stress that enough).

What is Search Engine Optimization?  Well basically, it is the term given to understanding and implementing the way in which search engines to help benefit your website.  The vast majority of website traffic that a site receives will come from the search engines, so by making the most of them you can make sure that lots of people find your site.

SEO can be divided into two separate sections;
  • On-page SEO,
  • Off-page SEO,
On-page SEO refers to the techniques that you can use ON your website to boost traffic and web rankings (such as; keyword placement, using Alt tags, meta descriptions, etc.), whereas Off-page SEO refers to the techniques used, you guessed it, OFF your site (such as; social media, guest blogging, link baiting, etc.).

Both are very important, but I would definitely put more emphasis on learning about On-page SEO techniques.  This will help you to understand how the World Wide Web works and, more importantly, how you can create content and structure your site to make the maximum impact online.

If you only take one thing from this entire list, make sure your set time aside to learn about SEO.  It WILL help you in the long run!

2. Writing

Nobody can become a blogger without first knowing how to write.  Whilst this may seem absurdly obvious, there is a lot more to writing than simply stringing a few sentences together.

Writing is something that certainly develops over time.  Just think about when you first learned how to write as a 3-4 year old and compare it to how you write now.  

Well the same can be said when you first start out blogging.  We all know how to write, but there is a big difference between writing every now and then, and writing 1000+ words several times a week (maybe even daily).

You need to be prepared to make mistakes along the way.  Your first blog posts will probably take a good while to write, yet they will be nowhere near as good as the ones you write a year, two years, ten years down the line.  

You need to be prepared to learn your craft, develop as a writer and find your voice/writing style.  The only way to do this is to write on a regular basis, so get stuck in.

You also need to make sure that you brush up on your spelling and grammar.  Too often I see posts littered with mistakes.  

People do notice them and they can have a bigger effect on your audience than you would imagine.  You are publishing posts under your name so take pride in your work and try to make them as good as you possibly can.


3. Content Creation

Yes, writing and content creation are two very different things.  You could be an excellent writer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can create good quality content for your website.

Quality website content needs to, not only attract readers, but engage them as well.  You need to learn how to construct posts that entice people to keep reading to the end of an article, to leave comments and to click on your other pages.  Again, this comes with practice and you will get better at it over time.

Content creation actually covers a whole host of different areas, such as;
  • On-page SEO,
  • Creating engaging titles,
  • Engaging introductions,
  • Images,
  • Video,
  • Audio,
  • Internal linking,
  • External linking,
  • Call to action,


4. Niche Blogging and Understanding Your Target Market

There is one thing that all successful blogs have in common – they are all run like a normal business.

Blogging is a business, so you should treat it like that.  If you want to create a successful blog then you have to approach it in a professional way.  

That means taking time to research the niche subject that you want to focus on and not just jump in two footed because you enjoy it.  

If you can find a gap in the market that no one is yet covering, or alternatively find something that is already being covered and do it better, then you may be onto a winner.

Understanding your target market/target audience is also extremely important.  If you know who you are aiming for, or what types of people are actually visiting your site, you can better tailor your content to suit them.

5. Domain, Hosting, Blogger, and WordPress

If you want to start a blog online, you will have to, at some point, learn how to set one up.  New bloggers find this process daunting, but when you actually learn what goes into setting up a site online you will find that it isn’t that bad.  In fact it is quite straight forward.

Essentially all you need is 3 things;
  • Domain name (i.e.
  • Web hosting (where your website files are stored online)
  • Blogger and WordPress (the framework that you build your site on)
I’m not going to go into detail about these things in this post as you can find more information in our Domain Name Registration, and Beginners Guide To Web Hosting guides.

6. HTML and CSS

Now here is a subject that many people dread learning about when starting out.  Thankfully, most bloggers only need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS to get them on their way.

The vast majority of your time will be spent creating and editing your website in WordPress, but occasionally you may need to edit little bits of code here and there.  This is where a basic knowledge of HTML & CSS comes in.

7. Social Media

We are all familiar with social media as we all use it every day to chat with our friends and family.  Despite that, do you actually know how social media works?  You may be nodding, yet I very much doubt you do.

Social media is dead easy to understand when you are using it yourself.  Perhaps you only use one or two networks (i.e. Twitter and Facebook) and only tend to communicate with a handful of people regularly.  

Things change, however, when you approach social media for your website.  Not only do you need to be familiar with more networks (i.e. Google+, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, etc.), but you need to know how each works differently.

You also need to realise that different social networks are better at different things.  Twitter, for example, is great for talking to people directly, whereas Google+ is better for sharing images and videos with people.  

Again, this may seem obvious but it has big implications for how you use them for your business.  There are only so many hours in the day after all.


8. Social Media Marketing

There is a big difference between social media and social media marketing.  Social media is a great way to interact with existing fans of your website.  Social media marketing though is fantastic for finding new fans and helping to spread the word about your blog around the world.

You will need to learn about;
  • The marketing rules & regulations of each social network,
  • #Hashtag trends that you can tap into,
  • Groups/pages/communities that you can join,
  • Advertising policies,
  • Setting up dedicated pages for your blog,
  • URL shorteners,
There are literally billions of people using social media every day.  You just need to learn how to tap into a tiny fraction of that in order to build a community around your site.

9. Networking

Yes, networking and I’m not talking about social networking this time.  There is a famous phrase – “It’s not what you know, but who you know that matters.” that is particularly important for bloggers to remember.

Blogging, as an industry, is one great big community.  Not only is that built up of regular readers, but also by other bloggers as well.  

You need to get out there and start making connections with other blog owners.  This doesn’t just apply to other bloggers in your niche, but bloggers who run sites in other industries as well.  

Why is this important?  Well not only is it good to learn from one another, but you can help to promote each other’s sites.   Why would you want to promote other people’s sites though?  Well because you can tap into each other’s audience of course.

I have met some fantastic bloggers online from around the world through running this site, some of which I now work with on other projects.  

I have been able to learn so much from them and get help when I needed it.  After all, it’s good to know people who are in a similar situation to you.

10. Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools

A couple of incredibly important tools to learn about are Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools.  Both of these greatly help you to understand how your site is performing and can identify areas in which you can improve.  Only by understanding this can your site grow and develop over time.

Again, I’m not going to go into detail about these tools in this post, as there is far too much to cover.  You can, however, check out our Beginners Guide To Google Analytic for more info on using them.

11. Photoshop

Photoshop, or an equivalent image manipulator (like GIMP or Paint.NET) is a vital tool for you to use and learn about.  Every blog and website needs images and graphics, so being able to edit them properly is extremely important.

WordPress allows you to upload and edit images within your site itself, but that is very limited.  Whilst it may take slightly longer, it is much better to edit your images before you upload them to your site.  

Not only does this mean you can keep image file sizes down, but doing so can help keep your site running quickly.  Site speed is vitally important, so making the effort to optimize your images in Photoshop beforehand is well worth the effort.

12. Branding

Lastly, I want to cover branding as this is often a subject that many new blogs fail to do properly.  In order to create a successful blog, you must create a brand identity that people will be able to recognise.  

This can be as simple as designing a logo or using the same pallet of colors across your entire site.  Whatever it is, it needs to be distinctive so that it helps you stand out from the crowd.

It is also important that you use the same branding for your site everywhere.  Make sure that you use the same logo/colors /tag line on your website, social media profiles, emails, newsletters, etc.  Everywhere that people can find you.  That way, people will start to notice you more online and you will begin to build up a community of readers.

Learn To Become A Successful Blogger

Like I said at the beginning of this post, this list could have been much bigger.  I haven’t even mentioned things like; advertising, affiliate marketing, product creation, etc.  All of those are important, but when first starting out you can probably forget about them for now.

If you focus on the 12 things that I have listed above, you will develop a solid foundation on which to build and grow your site over time.  If you get the fundamentals right, everything else will follow.

Do you agree with our list?  What other things would you add for new bloggers to learn about?  What did you find helpful when first starting out?  We want to hear from you so please leave a comment below.


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How To Update Your Facebook Status Through Your Blog Without Stress

If you're my Friend on Facebook, you would have noticed that most of my Facebook updates are now tagged with "Via 9jabliz". If anyone clicks on the "Via 9jabliz" link in the News Feed, it takes the person directly to

Well, Facebook Feed Dialog makes this possible. You can also be posting to Facebook with "Via your blog name". It's so easy.

For you to create such for your site, you will need the Facebook application ID of the site. You will have to include it in the Feed Dialog URL which you will have to create for this purpose.

How To Generate Facebook Feed Dialog URL


==> Edit the code below with your appID.

You can also replace the with a link to your site. Not compulsory to change the Facebook Feed dialog redirect_uri though. If you leave it as it is, then you will be redirected to after updating your status.

==> Copy and paste in your browser address bar. Hit the "Enter" or "OK" button.

You should see something like this:

Type whatever you want to post to Facebook and click "Share".

That's all.

In the Facebook News Feed, it will appear like this:

On your Facebook Timeline, it will appear like this:

Bookmark the Feed Dialog URL so you won't have to be typing it every time.You can use CTRL D to do this on PC.Your mobile browser will also have an option for such.

If you have an iPad, once the URL opens in your browser, go to the browser options and tap the "Add to Home Screen". This will create a shortcut on your iPad which you can always tap whenever you want to post to Facebook.

Try it and let me know if it works for you.

Please, SHARE this with your friends.
Have fun! 
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How to Make Every Post on Blogger Have a Facebook Like Button

Adding a Facebook Like button to your Blogger website lets readers share your content with their Facebook friends. Clicking the Like button posts a link to your blog post on the visitor’s Facebook wall and news feed.

Blogger doesn’t offer a Facebook Like button widget, but you can add the Like feature to each blog post by pasting the Like button code into your blog’s template.

Step 1
Sign in to your Blogger account. Scroll to the blog to which you want to add the Facebook Like button in the lists of blogs displayed on the Blogger Dashboard page.
Step 2
Click the “Design” tab under the blog’s title. Click the “Edit HTML” tab in the Design submenu at the top of the Add and Arrange Page Elements page.
Step 3
Go to the “Edit Template” section. Click and enable the “Expand Widget Templates” check box to display your blog template’s complete HTML design code.
Step 4
Use CNTRL F and find the “<data:post.body/>” HTML code tag in the HTML input box.  Enter the code tag into the search box to quickly find the correct code.
Step 5
Paste the following Facebook Like button code snippet immediately before the “<data:post.body/>” tag: <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'> <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"" + data:post.url + "&amp;send=false&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=35"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;'/> </b:if>
Step 6
Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click “Save Template.” Blogger saves the edited template and adds the Facebook Like button to all blog posts.
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Facebook Comment Form Not Working? Try This Solution for Blogspot Blogs

If you've been finding it difficult to integrate the Facebook comment box with your Blogger blog, sit back and relax as I guide you on how to add Facebook comments plugin to Blogspot blogs using HTML5.

For you to add the Facebook social plugin to your blog, you will need the Facebook Application ID of the blog. If you know the ID, copy it somewhere and if you don't know it you can check the Facebook apps page.

Next is to log in to your Blogger dashboard, back up your template and go to "Template" > "Edit HTML"

==> Click inside the HTML and use CTRL F to find : <body

==> Directly below it, paste <div id='fb-root'/> OR <div id="fb-root"></div>

==> Open a new tab on your browser and go to
==> Copy and paste the code below inside the box on the page

<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

==> Carefully replace the highlighted appID with the ID of your blog
==> Click "Encode"

==> Go back to the browser tab where you have your blog HTML

==> Copy and Paste the encoded script directly below the  <div id='fb-root'/>

==> Now, your html should look similar to the screenshot below:

Click "Save Template"

==> Click inside the HTML and use CTRL F to find :

<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

==> Directly below it, paste this code : 

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<p align='center'>
<img alt='' class='icon-action' src=''/> </p>
<div style='text-align: center;'>
<div class="fb-comments" expr:href='data:post.url' data-width="100%" data-numposts="10" data-colorscheme="light"></div></div>

==> Click "Save Template"

That's all.

Check out the desktop view (not Mobile View) of any post on your blog and you should see the comment form below the post.

Please, let me know if it works for you.

Also use the comment form to let me know if you face some challenges.

Please, SHARE this with friends.


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Tuesday 6 September 2016

Beginners Guide To Web Hosting

Since you should have now registered your domain name, you are now ready to move onto the next step of setting up your site by finding web hosting.

For any site to be accessible online, you need to have a place to store all your website information (e.g. images, script, CSS, HTML, etc.)  This is where web hosting comes in.  This is the physical space where your website will be stored for people to access 24hrs a day.  You won’t be able to get your site up and running until you set this up, so it’s a pretty vital step to take.


Web4Africa Web Hosting

I would always recommend going with Web4africa for your web hosting as that is the one that I and many others use to host their website with.  Not only is it very easy to transfer over your newly bought domain name, but Web4africa makes it really easy to use for your site straight away. 

In fact there are a number of different scripts that you can install when you are setting up your site, whether for a blog, eCommerce site, forum, etc. including; Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, Zen Cart, 4Images Gallery, and many other more.  In most circumstances though, you’ll be fine with WordPress.


Picking The Right Web Hosting Package

There are 3 different web hosting plans for you to choose from on Web4africa.
  1. Hatchling Plan
  2. Baby Plan
  3. Business Plan
Each is aimed at how many sites you want to setup.

So if you are just starting out and only have plans for running a single site, then the Hatchling Plan would be the perfect bet for you.  If on the other hand you plan to create a number of different sites, then you’d be better off going for the Baby Plan or Business Plan (you get additional features with the Business Plan as well).

Simply pick the one that best suits you.  You can always upgrade your plan at a later date as well.


Linking Your Domain Name & Web Hosting Together

If you’ve been following our tutorials, you should already have your own domain name with Web4africa and now be ready to setup your hosting with Web4africa.

The reason why I recommend getting them separately is that it gives you more freedom in the future.  Should you want to change web hosting provider for some reason or perhaps sell your site to someone, it makes it much easier if your domain and hosting are registered separately.  Purchase them together with the same company and you will find it much more difficult to do this.

When you pick your web hosting plan, you will be allowed to enter in your existing domain.  Simply click on the ‘I already own this domain’.
Congratulations! You now have your web hosting setup.

Whilst we stated that we already had a domain name, we still need to physically link it to your web hosting account that you have just bought.  As it stands at the moment, they aren’t joined at all.

You should receive a confirmation email through from Web4africa to confirm your account.  Simply log into your Web4africa Account and navigate to your ‘My Account’ page. 

From here, go to Domains > Launch (next to the domain that you want to link) > Nameservers ‘Manage’ > Edit Nameservers.
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Domain Name Registration Tips

If you are thinking of starting a website or blog, then one of the first things you need to do is go and register a domain name for your site.  Now, before you go and jump in with both feet, here are some domain name registration tips that will help you along the way.


What Is A Domain Name?

For anyone that doesn’t know, a domain name is the address of your site.  So our domain name is ‘’, but yours could be,,, etc.
There are a lot of different extensions that you can have for your domain name.  These can include;
  • .com
  • .org
  • .net
  • .biz
  • .co
  • .info
  • …etc.

Or you can have a country/region based extension, such as;
  • (United Kingdom)
  • .us (United States of America)
  • (Japan)
  • .au (Australia)
  • .in (India)
  • …etc.
There are a lot of different domain extensions available for you to choose from, but by far the best one to go for is ‘.com’.  99% of people will likely enter in ‘.com’ when searching for a site before trying anything else, as that is the most widely used extension.

Country/Region specific domain extensions can be useful when your site is only aimed at the local population (e.g. you run a local business), but even then you could get even more traffic/visitors if you go for a ‘.com’ domain.


Choosing Your Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is no easy task.  This simple web address will have a big impact on whether your site will be successful or not.  Your domain name will be what people come to recognize you as and remember you by, so it’s best not to rush into buying one until you are 100% sure.

Here are some pointers to help you choose your domain name.

1. Domains That Include Keywords

Not too long ago, you could quite easily get a site ranking highly (getting lots of traffic) by including some targeted keywords within your domain name.  

Thankfully, this isn’t the case any more since Google and other search engines have countered this.  This is good as there were far too many poor quality and spammy sites that were getting traffic by using this tactic, which was harming the internet as a whole.

Nowadays, search engines don’t tend to take the keywords that you use within your domain name into account when ranking sites.  This doesn’t mean you should use them though!

Instead of thinking about search engines, think about your visitors, the actual people that you want to visit your site.  By including some keywords, you can actually give them a better idea of what your site is about.

For example, let’s say that you want to start a movie review website.  Adding the words ‘movie’ (or ‘film’) and ‘review’ would instantly give visitors an idea of what your site was about.  So something like ‘’ or  ‘’ would be good examples of domains that include relevant keywords.  (Note – I don’t know if these are real sites or not, just using them as examples).

Keyword rich domains can be a good option to go for, just don’t be under the impression that they will help you rank higher in the search engines.


2. Branded Domains

Due to the fact that most of the good domain names have already been taken, it means that you have to be a bit more creative.  This isn’t a bad thing; in fact it can be quite good if you can think up something that you can build a brand around.

Staying with the movie review example from before, we could plump for something like ‘’ or ‘’.  On their own, they don’t really mean anything, but for this example you can see how you could begin to build a brand around them.  (Note – Again, I don’t know if these are real sites, just examples to help show you what I mean)

Also think about how your branded name affects other areas, such as social media.  If you can get the same branded domain name for Twitter, Facebook, G+, etc. then people will find it MUCH easier to find you online.


3. Dashes

Should you or shouldn’t you include dashes in your URL?
This is a question that pops up time and again when people are looking to pick a domain name.  My vote would be NOT to use them!   Dashes may allow you more freedom to find the domain name that you want; however you must consider what people will type in when looking for your site.

For example, if your site was ‘’ (Yes, I’m sticking with the movie theme), people may instead end up going to ‘’, which could be a totally different site.

You also must consider how you would go about telling people about your site.  If you met someone in the street and they wanted to know what your site was called, which do you think they would remember – ‘’ or ‘the (dash) best (dash)’???

The easier your domain name is to remember, the more people will end up coming back to your site.  So try to avoid including different characters like; ‘-/_&$@’ in your domain names.

Protect Your Privacy

During the process of purchasing your domain name, you will be given the option of keeping your domain name private.  Though an additional cost, this feature allows you to keep your personal details (name, email, etc.) out of the global internet database.

If you choose not to go privately, you may be at risk of being spammed or contacted by people looking to buy your domain name/website from you.  Ultimately, it’s up to you as it is an optional extra, but I always make sure that I protect my personal details when purchasing a new domain name.

What Are You Waiting For, Go Register Your Domain Name

When you have finally picked your domain name (which is hopefully available), you will be able to go and register it.  There are plenty of places that you can register a domain name, but I’d always recommend that you go with Web4Africa.  I use them to get all of my domain names and have never had a problem with them.

Just remember the key points that we have talked about when picking your domain name and you will be fine.

Please share if you found this helpful. Thank you!
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Google Analytic For Your Blog

Google Analytic has fast become one of the most popular website Analytics applications used by web designers and online businesses today. If you’re not yet familiar with its wide range of tools, or if you’re yet to be convinced that Google Analytic is for you, here’s what it’s all about…

Is Google Analytic For You?

What Does It Do?

Google Analytics performs a detailed analysis of a website’s functionality. It allows you to get a clearer picture of how your site is used. 

For example: you’ll learn how many people per day leave your site without clicking a single link (known as bounce rate), you’ll find out which pages are most frequently landed on, which channels direct the most traffic and which routes are most likely to lead to commercial results. 

Armed with this information, you can begin to make tailored improvements to address your site’s particular needs.
Here are some examples of the data that you can find in Google Analytics;

Who Is It For?

Anyone with a website or an online business can make use of Google Analytics. It’s an application for anyone who wants to learn how best to improve their site in order to achieve goals, whether this is the number of T-shirts sold, customer surveys completed or business inquiries received.

Visit Tracking

Analytics allows you to separate site users into a number of different categories. For example, an e-commerce site might use categories such as: ‘new user,’ ‘new users who create accounts,’ ‘new users who add to cart,’ ‘new users who purchase,’ etc.

You can also track the activity of returning visitors—to  see who comes back to browse products or purchase or who continues to land on the site without taking further action.

New vs. Returning Visitors


Conversion Rate Optimization

Once you know more about who is visiting your site, how long they stay and what they do there, you can start to work on your Conversion Rate Optimization. This means holding attention for longer, getting more clicks, more views or more sales.

Set Fresh Targets

Analytics allows you to set a range of goals, from keeping people interested in your site or getting more customers to add themselves to your mailing list and (via the ‘e-commerce’ feature) keeping track of sales and revenue. 

By dividing your targets into simple categories, you’ll be able to effectively measure your progress in each. For example: if you’ve improved your interface and customers are spending longer browsing your products, that’s a great result. 

If this still isn’t translating to sales then perhaps you need to work on creating a more intuitive route to take users from cart to checkout.


Widen Your Platform

One of the most useful features of Google Analytics is that you can see how many people are accessing your site through a tablet or mobile.

Mobile Device Info



If your site doesn’t offer great functionality to mobile users, this could affect conversion rates. Make sure that your site is accessible to everyone, however they reach you.


Stay Informed

‘Intelligence’ is a new feature of Analytics that allows you to keep on top of the information that Google Analytics provides. 

It allows users to customize their update settings, so when a certain kind of data is received – when a particular route is followed or a number of sales have been made – an update will be sent you as an email notification.


Social Media

If your website is linked to social media sites, Analytics will help you to see how effective these are at directing traffic back to your site. You can see how many visits came via Twitter or Facebook and experiment with improving your use of these tools to see how more traffic might encouraged.


Social Media



These are just some of the ways in which Google Analytics can help your website, in reality this is just the tip of the iceberg.  The biggest benefit to your business is seeing areas that are working, and more importantly, areas that aren’t.

Once you know where you can improve, you can set about working to fix those aspects and ultimately grow your website.

 Keen to give it a go but not sure where to start? Using a whole new application – particularly one as intricate and multi-functional as Google Analytics – can feel like an intimidating move.

But you can make life easy for yourself when you follow the step-by-step directions contained within this simple Google Analytics guide.

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Monday 5 September 2016

20 Ways To Monetize Your Blog Without Stress

There are many different ways to generate money with your website online. Unfortunately, too many people often give up because at that present time they aren’t making any money at all. My advice is not to give up! It takes time to build a site that will make you money, though with the right direction, planning and hard work this can be achieved quicker. It all depends on how you monetize your blog!

The following list is a collection of many of the different ways of making money with your website. 

Depending on what your website is about, a large number of these techniques can be implemented to earn you cash. But don’t get disheartened if one method doesn’t work for you just try a different one and build upon that!

I hope this list helps you to see the variety of ways that you can begin to earn money online.

30 Ways To Monetize Your Blog

1. Pay Per Click Advertising

You can probably guess from the name how you monetize your blog from this method. You get paid for every click a visitor makes on these ads. You sign up to a provider and they give you a code for you to place on your site. The provider will then send contextual ads to your site (either image or text based) that are relevant to the content of your website. Google AdSense is the most widely used provider of this service, but there are many others out there.

Pay Per Click (PPC) ads vary in profitability depending on the amount of traffic your website gets. Only a small percentage of people will click on these ads, so to earn a lot of money from them you will need a lot of traffic.

The click-through rate (CTR) of your visitors depends on the design of your website. Certain parts of your website pages are more valuable than others, so to increase your CTR these PPC ads can be placed there. 

For example, space at the beginning and end of articles/blog posts are highly visible, so by putting a PPC in these positions may increase the chances of someone clicking on one. If on the other hand you place these ads at the bottom of the page where nobody can see them, then nobody will click on them.

The cost per click (CPC) can also determine how much you are likely to earn from this type of ad. 

Adverts that display financial products or mortgages will generate you more income due to the higher price of the actual product, compared with perhaps children’s toys. The former may pay you as much as $1+ for every click through by one of your visitors, whereas a click on toys may pay you only a few cents.

Which ads shows up on your site is dependant on the content of your website. After all, it would be daft showing financial products on a website that talks about children’s toys and vice versa.

PPC ads are a good way to easily monetize your blog. However, to make serious money from them you will need lots of traffic.

2. Cost Per Mile Advertising

Cost per Mile advertising (CPM) is similar to PPC advertising, however instead of getting paid on a per-click basis, you get paid according to the number of impressions (page views) you get. This is worked out for every 1000 impressions that it has. For example, a website that gets 200,000 page views per month that displays a $1 CPM ad will generate you $200 a month!
There are a number of different CPM providers out there that you can get ads from. Each varies on how much they will pay you, generally the better the provider the higher rate you will be paid. This is because the best providers have access to more and better quality advertisers that are willing to pay you more.

Just like PPC, CPM adverts can pay you more depending on where the advert is placed on your website. The higher the ad is placed and the bigger the ad is, will generally make you more money.
CPM adverts are beneficial for websites that have lots of traffic and a high page view per visitor ratio, but it is still a good option to consider when looking to monetize your blog.

3. Text Link Ads

This type of advertising allows you to place text based ads within the text of your articles. For example, if you are writing an article about a certain software, you can place text-link ads within your posts that would refer your viewers to that particular product.

You can’t just link to anything though, you need to sign up to that specific product affiliate advertising scheme or you can sign up to a specialised provider who will automate the service.

Text-Link-Ads are quite good as it offers a non-intrusive way to monetize your blog that won’t put off your readers.

4. In-text Ads

Very similar to the above text link ads, ‘In-text ads’ are adverts that are placed inside your text content such as articles or blog posts. You can sign up to an In-text advertising provider that will place sponsored links within your text. 

These are double underlined to make them stand out from other links, so that when a user moves the mouse over one of them a small advertising pop-up will appear. The user can then decide if they want to click on it, which will make you a small amount of money.

These types of ads are a bit more obvious than the previous type, which can put some people off. If used properly, they can be a good way to monetize your blog.


5. Advertising Widgets

This method is relatively new on the scene. An increasing amount of people are using widgets on their websites to generate some money. These widgets are designed so that they can be easily placed onto a website without any hassle, which display a mixture of PPC, text link ads and affiliate programs.


6. Advertising Space

You can monetize your blog by selling space on your website for advertisers to display a banner. This can be a very lucrative method as it allows you to cut out the middleman and charge what you want for other people to advertise on your site.

Generally these deals are worked out so that you display an ad for a fixed amount of time for an agreed fee with the advertiser. The downside of this method is that you need to commit time to manage the whole process with the advertiser and that your site needs to have a lot of traffic to be considered by advertisers.

As you can see, I offer advertising space on my website in numerous different forms of banner ads that appear on all of my pages.


7. RSS Adverts

If you have an RSS feed (which you should!) then you can follow in the footsteps of millions of other website owners and start placing ads on it.

Many RSS feed generators now offer this service, so that it is even easier to implement them. Some offer CPM or PPC advertising, however you could opt to do it yourself and offer to sell sponsored messages or banners directly on your feed.

You can find adverts for your RSS feed on BidVertiser that you can implement to monetize your feed, though Google FeedBurner lets you do this as well.


8. Audio Advertising

What you may not have even considered, Pay per Play (PPP) are audio adverts that are played every time someone visits your website. The ads usually only last a few seconds, with the viewer unable to stop it. It creates 100% conversion rate with unique visitors, so you get paid about $5 per visit, however this method is very intrusive and may turn off your visitors, making them less likely to make a return visit.

Another form of audio advertising that you can use is ‘Podcast ads’. If you run a podcast on your website, perhaps a weekly update letting your listeners know everything that is new on your website, then you could choose to include advertising. 

I know that this type is less intrusive than the former because your podcast would just seem like a short radio show with commercial breaks. As long as you don’t go overboard with the amount of adverts, then this may be a method that could use to monetize your blog.


9. Pop-ups/Lightboxes

No doubt that you have heard of these! Pop-ups are very common online, but they are also very annoying. Many people hate pop-ups and have pop-up blockers installed to stop them. However, if executed in the right way, they can work. 

Having a single pop-up on your website that only appears to new visitors may work. They grab the attention of the visitor on their first visit and after that they won’t be bothered again by them.

Pop-ups don’t necessarily need to sell products directly.  You can use them indirectly to promote aspects of your website, for example PopUp Domination can be used to encourage people to sign up to your email list of tutorial course, or alternatively you can create a lightbox with AWeber.

Pop-ups can work if you make them less annoying to people. The more frequently they appear, the less traffic you will get coming back!


10. Affiliate Marketing

If done right this, method is a great way to monetize your blog. Many of the previous methods can be used as affiliate marketing methods, but often a review of a product can work just as well.

For example, if you have a gardening website you could research affiliate programs that contain products related to gardening. Perhaps someone wants people to advertise their new lawnmower product, you could write a blog entry ‘What’s the best lawnmower for my garden?’ and at the end you could promote the affiliate product.

With this type of advertising, you can get a commission with every sale that resulted from your recommendation. You refer viewers from your site via recommendations, banner ads, text link ads, etc., which takes them to the product page. 

If they buy, then you get a commission. This is often worked out on a percentage of the sale price, maybe 10-20%, sometimes more (I’ve seen products offer 75% commission) depending on the individual product.

Check out these great websites that have links to loads of affiliates:


11. Write an Ebook

Everybody seems to be writing an eBook these days, so why don’t you give it a try. These have become very popular in the last few years with the introduction of commercial eReaders such as the Apple iPad and Amazon Kindle.

You could write an eBook about almost anything. Maybe you are good at DIY, you could write a book about renovating your house that people might find useful. You can then sell it through the Apple iStore or on Amazon.

You can sell it directly on your website as well! This way you get 100% of the sale price and you get traffic to your website.  Selling your own eBook can be an excellent way to monetize your blog!
Learn How To Sell An eBook On Amazon
Learn How To Make Money With Your Own eBook.


12. Write a Hardback Book

This could be a continuation from writing an eBook. If you are a good writer you could publish your book in Hardback or paperback form. You could sell this on your website and send a copy to buyers.

This method is usually only successful for authors that have an existing following. An author may have a successful book that they then build a website around to promote it to a global audience. It can work the other way however. Many people have built a successful blog first and then written a book that has sold well.

If you are a good writer then this could be a good option for you.  You can then find a self publishing site, just like iUniverse which allows you to publish your very own book.


13. Writing Tutorials & Guides

The internet is a great place to find information. Everyone searches for tutorials detailing how to do something. You are reading a guide yourself on ’30 ways your website can earn you money’ right now!
I know little about cars, so I would find tutorials and guides useful explaining technical things that I don’t know. For example, a guide listing ‘Help on buying a new car’ or ‘How to service your own car’ would be very useful.

Everybody knows something that they could teach to another, so why not write about it and publish it on your own website. If its a particularly popular niche that you are writing about, then you could attract a lot of traffic!

Check out some brilliant ways to create content for your website:
  • 10 Steps to Write Amazing Content!
  • 20 Pages Every Blog Should Include
  • How To Use Images In Your Blog Posts!
  • How To Write Great Headlines


14. Host A Webinar

Webinar’s are basically a live workshop online. People go on to Webinar’s to hear you talk about your specialist subject. This is great for people that live over-seas that can’t get to one of your workshops.

You can make money from Webinar’s by charging an individual for a virtual seat on your presentation. They pay to watch you perform your presentation online and they can interact during the process.

Webinar’s can incorporate power point presentations, web-cams, photos, microphones, polls, etc., making them fully interactive with your audience. At times questions are usually left till the end of the Webinar, where each viewer has the opportunity to ask any questions that they want to you.

You don’t have to charge your audience anything to view a Webinar that you are conducting. You could just use it as a marketing tool promoting your website, but the majority of people often host an initial 
Webinar is for free and then charge people for the subsequent ones.

InstantPresenter is a great site that you can use to do this.

15. Find Sponsors For An Event

If your website involves organising events, such as a workshop, or a weekly podcast, etc., you could find companies to sponsor them. Then at the beginning and at the end you would have to promote the sponsor.

We see this type of advertising a lot on TV and in Sport. Many TV shows are sponsored to generate income.

The advantage of this method is that it gives website owners more options to monetize each aspect of their site. Advertisers are attracted to sponsorship deals on high traffic websites as it allows them to reach a targeted audience.

16. Selling Service

This is often the reason why many people start a website in the first place. You might have a profession in the real world, such as a stock trader, architect, life coach, etc. You could build a website advertising your services to increase your client numbers. 

Visitors can pay for your professional services through your website and receive your help, as in the previous example this could mean full financial planning and strategies on stock trading.

Obviously, with this method you only get paid when you are working.

A great way to find clients is to have your own ‘Hire Me’ page on your website.  That way, people can see that they can hire you to help them out.


17. Private Forums

Similar to a paid membership, private forums can be created to cater to your audience. Members can pay an annual/monthly fee to access the forum and interact with the other members.

There are many free forums out there, so to charge members a fee to access your forum you need to provide excellent, individual content that isn’t available elsewhere.

One example could be a networking forum where people can interact within a professional environment. A forum focusing on academic scientific research could attract scientists from around the world to collaborate with one another.


18. Email Marketing

Email marketing can generate you lots of money. The key is to build a large email list of your customers/visitors. 

When people register to become a member, you get their email address. When people sign up to your weekly newsletter, you get their email address. The more ways there are to get someone’s email address the better.

With an email list, you can build a brand, recommend products, promote any events/workshops that you may be holding and more importantly to can encourage people to keep returning to your website.

Email marketing isn’t a direct way of making money, but it is a powerful way of increasing your income from your other methods by driving traffic back to your site. Just don’t go overboard with emails so that they are viewed as spam! Nobody likes spam!

You can check out list of software to help manage your email newsletters:
  • AWeber
  • PopUp Domination


19. Surveys & Polls

You can place surveys and polls from certain companies on your website that will pay you for the privilege. You can sign up to these sites and choose a particular survey/poll that will fit in with the content on your website. 

Visitors of your site can participate in voting, whilst you get paid for displaying it. Most of these polls operate on a Cost per Mile basis.


20. Paid Directory Listings

This method is an alternate way of selling advertising. Unlike displaying adverts on a page, you allocate space on your website to list links to different companies and services that are related to your niche.

For example, a blog about graphic design could have a separate page that displays links to professional graphic design companies and freelance graphic designers.

You can charge for the privilege to display these links on your website. You can guarantee that the links will be seen by Y amount of people per month and you can charge a monthly fee. If you had a list consisting of 500 people and charged them $5 a month, you would make $2500 per month!

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Approach To Blogging

I’ve been doing this blogging malarkey for a while now and if there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that you have to be patient, especially when starting from scratch.  I get lots of emails from people asking for help with their blog (which is fine, always happy to help), but a large portion seemingly expect that after a few weeks they will be getting millions of hits and earning tons each day.  This is just not true and if you think this, you are in for a shock!  That is why you need the right approach to blogging.

Blogging Takes Time

Blogging is no different to any other business.  It takes time and a LOT of hard work to get it up and running online.  This can be even trickier if you are starting from scratch as there is a lot to learn on a wide variety of subjects.
You will need to learn;
  • How to setup your first blog and get it online, including registering a Domain name.
  • About setting up a blogger template for your site and adding useful Blogger plugins.
  • About email marketing and getting people to subscribe to your site.
  • How to setup Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools for your site.
  • How to submit your site to the search engines so that people can actually find you.
  • How to setup Google Authorship so that your face appears in the search results.
  • How to speed up your site and properly optimize your images.
  • About setting up social media profiles across all the major social networks.
…and that is even before you start writing content for your blog and making money with it!

Don’t Let That Put You Off

I’m not trying to put you off, far from it in fact, I’m just trying to make you aware of the work that is involved in blogging.  It’s simply not for everyone.

Blogging is an amazing industry to get into, as there is so much to learn and great people to meet.  There is no better feeling than seeing something that you have worked hard on grow into something much bigger, where people from around the world come to visit on a daily basis.

This site is far from being a massive site, but it has allowed me to meet and get to know some wonderful people from all over the world – some from the other side of the globe and some just down the road from where I live.

There are not many jobs where you get to learn something new every day and grow as a person.  I can safely say that I have totally changed since I started blogging and am much better for doing so.

There are plenty of positives for choosing to become a blogger, you just need to make sure that you are the right type of person.  After all, you don’t have a boss breathing down your neck to make sure you get all your work done, so if you’re not a self-motivated person, you may struggle.

If You’re In For A Quick Buck, You’re Destined To Fail!

Yes, there are examples of people creating sites that make plenty of money pretty quickly, but those examples are few and far between.  You have to remember that those types of examples are created by very experienced bloggers, who know exactly what they are doing.  For those who are just starting out, you will need to be prepared to earn your badges and gain some experience first.

It can take time to begin to earn money from your blog.  You need to work on driving traffic to your site and then monetizing that traffic in numerous different ways (all of which requires work to setup).

It took me at least a month before I made any money with my first site, and even then it wasn’t that much.

Many people would give up at that point (I see it all the time), but if you persevere, keep working hard and have  the right approach to blogging, that can change.  What may start out as only a few $ per month, can turn into much, much more when your site begins to grow.

Be Prepared To Make Mistakes

I can guarantee that you WILL make mistakes along the way, so it’s pointless thinking that you won’t.

Mistakes aren’t bad, in fact they can be very good as long as you learn from them.

I have lost count of the number of times I messed up my site and brought it down temporarily after changing some code or messing with some HTML.  Learning from your mistakes makes you better at what you do.

I’m sure I’ll make plenty more of them in the future, but thankfully I have never made the same mistake twice (let’s hope it stays that way).

Have The Right Approach To Blogging

If you approach blogging in the right way, you will get a lot more out of it.  You certainly aren’t going to become a millionaire overnight, but if you take a long term approach and put the hard work in, you can create a successful business that you will be proud of.

Just be patient and never give up...Good Luck.
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How To Start A Blog Without Stress


How To Start A New Blog

If you want to learn how to start a blog, it’s actually easy to set one up and start making money online with your BLOG! I will be showing you step-by-step, on how you can easily set up your own blog/website and start making money without stress.

Many people ask how it is possible to earn money online? The key is to create a successful website, which is simple if you follow this guide. You create your content and then drive traffic to your site, traffic that will generate you money. Your site will grow over time, which will result in search engines ranking you higher, creating more traffic, which makes you more money!



How To Start A Blog Outline

You will be needing three things to get your website up and running;
1. Domain Name – This is the address of your website, for example this site’s domain name is
2. Web Hosting – This is where your website is stored online so that it is available 24 hours a day.
3. WordPress – This free software helps you easily run and design your website. You can choose from over 100,000 different layouts and thousands of free plug-ins, add content, edit your pages and so much more. 
4. Blogger - This is also a free software which will also helps you easily run and design your website. You can choose from over 100,000 different layouts and thousands of free plug-ins, add content, edit your pages and so much more.
These three steps can be followed to get your site up and running in as little as 10 minutes! I hope this shows that websites aren’t complicated and hard to make, with the right tools they can be really easy.

Domain Name

First things first, you need to get a Domain name. Don’t make the mistake like most people and rush into this process.

This is one of the most important parts of your website. The difference between a good domain name and a bad domain name can cost you several thousand visitors a month, which ultimately means you loose out on potential money.

The best domain names are descriptive of what your website is about, for example

Perhaps you want to make a website to display your work online, ‘’ would be a good choice.

Make sure you research your name before you commit to one. List all the key words that are associated with your potential website and then see if you can use any of those keywords in your domain name.

Try to keep it simple, limit your name to two or three words. Your name needs to be easy to remember, so that if you were to tell someone in the street, they could easily remember it. For this reason, don’t include any hyphens or punctuation marks as it just complicates things.

Make sure you use a .Com or .Net domain. These are the most common and people Remember these better. Using a more unconventional .biz or .tv may let you use the name that you want, but people may forget.

For example if your site is called and you tell people, some will end up going to ‘’ instead. This is bad for you because you will loose out on traffic and traffic means money.

To register your domain, go to Web4africa. Here you can register a domain for under $6 a year, and $12 for two years, which you will easily earn back once your website is up and running.


To get a website online, you need somewhere to put it. To do this you need to host your site on a server so that it is available for people to visit 24 hours a day. Basically, you rent space on a server for about $15 a year, which allows you to upload all of your website files so they can be viewed.

I myself use Web4africa to host my websites. I have found their 24/7 support line very useful when I have had any problems and they offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth which is very beneficial.

One of the main reasons I chose them is that they allow easy installation of BLOGGER with just one click. There is no extra charge for this, whereas other companies can charge you extra for this.

But again, you don’t have to take my word for it, you can search for alternate hosting providers.

If you do choose to go with Web4africa, you receive MASSIVE 25% OFF!!!

6 - 10 years ago, it seemed as though you needed to be a techno-nerd to be able to set up a website. Everything was very technical and you needed to know a lot about programming.

Today, that isn’t the case! All you need to do is log into your Web4africa account, go to your cPanel and install Blogger. In under a minute, it will install and you will have a live website online that you can start adding content to.
Blogger is amazing software that allows you to create a beautiful website or blog without needing to be a full computer WIZARD. It allows you to simply add content, be that articles, blog entries, pictures, videos or more, edit how your site looks, by changing themes, and you can add thousands of different plug-ins, such as a Twitter feed or Facebook icons.

This site is made entirely using WordPress. It made creating this website so much easier than if I hadn’t used it.
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Saturday 3 September 2016

How to Move Posts Into Pages on Blogspot Without Stress

How to Move Posts Into Pages on Blogspot Without Stress

Almost all blogs segment content into posts and pages, and the Blogger platform is no exception. Blog posts are the meat of the blog and are generally published in a reverse chronological stream on the front page of the blog. Blog pages are used to house content such as contact information, author bios or links to other projects. Although the Blogger platform does not provide a streamlined way to convert a blog post into a page, this task can still be accomplished in a few simple steps.

Move Post to Page

Step 1Navigate to and sign in to your account.

Step 2Click the "Posts" button to view a list of all your posts.

Step 3Click the "Edit" link below the post you want to move to a page.

Step 4Click the "HTML" button to view the full HTML of the posts.

Step 5Select all the content and copy it to your clipboard. Click the "Close" button at the top right to exit the editing interface.

Step 6Click "Pages" in the left sidebar.

Step 7Click "New Page" and select "Blank Page."

Step 8Click the "HTML" button and then paste the contents from your clipboard into the editing interface.

Step 9Enter a title for the page.

Step 10Configure your "Page Settings" and then click "Save."
Step 11Click "Posts" and either delete the post you moved to a page or select the post and then click the "Revert to Draft" button.

Add Sidebar Link to Post

Step 1Navigate to and sign in to your account.

Step 2Click the "Posts" button to view a list of all your posts.

Step 3Click the "View" link below the post you want to link to your sidebar in the "Pages" section.

Step 4Copy the Web address for the post and then return to the Blogger admin interface.

Step 5Click "Pages" in the left sidebar.

Step 6Click "New Page" and select "Web Address."

Step 7Enter a title for the page and then paste the blog post Web address you copied to your clipboard earlier. Click "Save" when you have finished configuring the link.

Step 8Drag and drop the link to the location on your sidebar where you want it to appear.

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How to Make Blogger Categories Into a Drop Down Menu Without Stress

How to Make Blogger Categories Into a Drop Down Menu Without Stress

The Blogger labels gadget is a default sidebar gadget that displays a list of your categories in a list format, either alphabetically or as a word cloud. Although the gadget does not include an option for configuring the display of categories in a drop-down menu, you can achieve this effect by editing the HTML of your blog design.

Step 1 Navigate to Blogger and sign in to your account.

Step 2 Click the account drop-down menu and select "Layout."

Step 3 If the "Labels" gadget is not already include in your layout, click the "Add a Gadget" link in the location where you want the categories menu to appear and then click the "+" icon beside "Labels."

Step 4Select "Template" from the left sidebar.

Step 5 Click "Edit HTML" and then click "Proceed."

Step 6 Click the check box beside "Expand Widget Templates."

Step 7 Find "<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>" in the code and replace it with: <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> <b:includable id='main'> <b:if cond='data:title'> <h2><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class='widget-content'> <select onchange='location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'> <option>Select a label</option> <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'> <option expr:value='data:label.url'><> (<data:label.count/>) </option> </b:loop> </select> <b:include name='quickedit'/> </div> </b:includable> </b:widget>

Step 8 Click "Save Template."


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